Permanent Makeup

Permanent Makeup

Permanent Makeup

Our look is our first dialogue from our personality. With every conversation, our look matters and we all are in need of underlying our expressions to have a great opening. In today’s hectic schedule, it becomes difficult to spend hours in front of mirror to get the desired look. Therefore, for our daily makeup needs, permanent makeup comes as a rescue. Permanent make up is the process of micro-pigmentation or cosmetic tattooing that aids in eliminating the hassle of applying daily makeup. Those who are allergic to traditional cosmetic products or find difficult time in applying the makeup may find the process quite fruitful.

Procedure:the permanent makeup procedure is applied in the form of tattooing in which pigment is inserted into the upper layer of the skin, making it permanent for years to come. Various methods can be used to implant the pigment from traditional tattoo or coil machine to rotary or pen machine or even by hand. The treatment procedure differs depending upon the type of area to get the makeover.

Duration & longevity:generally, the complete procedure to apply permanent makeup takes 2-3 hours. It is a permanent sort of procedure as the color will not get washed off. However, permanent cosmetics fade away with the time as they do need periodic touch ups to maintain the glow.

Post-surgical recovery:redness, swelling, aching and numbness are quite common after the treatment. These all can easily be fade away with minor medication and precautions. The surgery recalls back to routine activities after 5-6 days. Strenuous activities are avoided for 1-2 weeks for better results.

The permanent makeup in Delhi will make you get extremely natural look suiting your personality level. With proper application of the makeup, you may easily get a permanent look serving you a classy lifestyle that lasts for long.

Permanent Makeup

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