Skin Whitening is a process by which the melanin pigment is to be reduced to give whiter complexion. People who have problems with their skin like age spots, scars, moles, birthmarks are generally go for skin whitening process. People also use this technique to get a fair complexion.
Normally people use skin whitening creams, bleaching, laser treatment to get the white complexion.
At first consult a dermatologist and tell him/her that what kind of skin tone you want. For a clear get picture, show a picture which perfectly describes the skin tone which you want.
After getting desired input, dermatologist advised the best suited procedure according to the input and as per the financial condition.
The post treatment advice include washing the treated area with chemical free soaps very gently. Regularly apply the aloe vera gel or petroleum jelly to get a soothing and cooling effect. Sun screen cream should be used for at least six month to prevent skin darkening or sun burn.
There are other alternatives of skin whitening other than skin whitening creams and surgery. It includes some home remedies such as application of home made face packs, diet plan.
We also provide special diet plan and home made face packs in order to get a lighter tone in natural ways