Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Sometimes, after large weight loss or child birth, tummy (abdomen) skin becomes flaccid. The quality of the skin becomes poor with stretch marks. Also, the muscles of the abdomen become weak and hanging giving a bulging look to the tummy. To tighten the muscles and improve the stretch marks, tummy tuck surgery in Gurugram is utilized as the best procedure. The surgery helps in removing the excess skin and fat from the body by improving the loss of skin elasticity that pose the problem of sagging tummy by getting combined with the fat accumulation in the tummy.

Procedure:the procedure followed with small incisions made in lower abdomen spanning the hips. Before removing the sagging skin, it becomes necessary to pull it down over the abdomen and for that it becomes evident to shift the navel from its surrounding area and brought a new skin opening. Sometimes, liposuction is combined with tummy tuck surgery to achieve the best results. Abdominal muscles are tightened and any associated hernia, if there, is corrected at the same time of the treatment. The wound is closed in the possible way to give good shape in the form of flat abdomen and reduced waist line. Resulting scars around the public area and naval area tends to fade with time.

Procedure duration and longevity:the procedure takes around 2-4 hours and is permanent followed with sensible diet and exercise.

Post surgical recovery:patient is allowed to walk from the 2nd or 3rdday after the surgery. Back to normal activities can be expected by 2-4 weeks from the surgery. However, strenuous activities are avoided for 4-6 weeks.

Tummy tuck surgery in Delhi permits a confident lifestyle by removing the excess fat and sagging skin from the abdomen. It plays an essential role in rejuvenating the makeover of a woman who has lost confidence in herself due to her deranged shape after pregnancy.

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