Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery In Delhi

Eyes, being the focal point of the face are the most important part of overall facial appearance. Many times, sagging eyebrows, wrinkles around the eyes and bags under the eyes transfer a sad or tired look to the entire face which immediately asks for some rejuvenation. The process of rejuvenating the look of the eyes is performed with the help of eyelid surgery. Eyelid surgery, better known as Blepharoplasty is used to remove the excess fat and extra skin from the eyes surrounding and brighten the face into a more youthful appearance.

Procedure:the surgical treatment of eyelid surgery is used to correct the drooping eyelids or puffy bags lying below the eyes. This procedure is performed either with the facelift or other facial procedures. The incision is made on the upper or lower eyelid as per the need. Then the excess fat or skin is removed or repositioned. The incisions made are hide out within natural folds or placed inside the lower eyelid. Sometimes, the upper eyelid problem become aggressive with the eyebrow sagging. This may be resolved with brow lift cosmetic treatment. In case, the eyelid bags are small, mere fat grafting surgery will bring better results.

Duration & Longevity:the surgery takes around 1-3 hours. The longevity of the result from the procedure lasts for several years. Also, many times, it poses to be permanent type of treatment, depending upon the surgery.

Post-surgical recovery:after the surgery, mild swelling and black-blue discoloration may pose some effect, but these things will fade away with the time. Return to normal activities can be expected within 5-10 days. For few days, patient is advised to wear glasses as eyes become sensitive to light and suspect to face tearing and dryness in excess.

Eyelid surgery in Delhi is an enhanced approach to remove the unwanted or sagging skin and fat from the areas surrounding the eyes. The procedure will enhance the look of the eyes thereby imparting a youthful appearance to the face.

Eyelid Surgery

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