Mini Facelift

Mini Facelift In Delhi

Mini Facelift In Delhi

It’s common to see the negative impacts of sun, environmental toxins and smoking on our face in the form of aging signs. With the age, our skin starts losing the grip of its underlying supportive tissue that leaves behind sagging and loose skin. To rejuvenate the skin and bring back its lost glow, face lift is the best procedure. There are many procedures to do face lift, the application of which depends upon the age and the areas mostly affected. Among many, mini facelift is the best and quick procedure that aids in improving the sagging effect on the neck and face.

Procedure:Mini facelift is done by the process known as fat injection. Being the most popular method of improving facial tone, the procedure begins with the removal of fat from the areas like thighs, etc with the help of liposuction surgery. After that, the fat is injected with the help of fine needles inside the skin around the face. The tissue spaces formed within the skin are filled by the fat injection process and it will depart a supple and younger looking face in return. The complete procedure of mini facelift is done by following a dual method of removing the fat via liposuction and fat injection process in the neck and face area.

Duration & longevity:the process takes around 1-2 hours. It is a permanent process that requires little precautionary lifestyle to maintain the glow of the treatment.

Post-surgical recovery:the process of mini facelift left certain bruising over the face that can be settles after sometime. Also, little numbness can be felt by the patient. On the recovery front, good balanced diet, avoidance of smoking and regular exercises is recommended to the patient for better and long term results.

Contrary to the environmental toxins, mini facelift is the quick and most popular procedure that results in giving the face a new and younger look.

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