Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Permanent Laser Hair Removal In Delhi

Permanent Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that utilizes a laser (an intense beam of light) to remove unwanted hairs from the body. Laser hair removal in Gurugram is used to remove unwanted hairs from all possible parts of the body except the eyelids and the surrounding areas. With the treatment, unwanted hairs can be removed from all possible and common locations like legs, upper lip, chin, underarms and bikini line.

Procedure:During the process, the laser beam passes through the skin and reaches to the individual hair follicle. The intense heat gets injected in the hair follicle making it damaged which stops further growth of the hair. The success of the treatment depends upon the hair color and skin type. This process is most effective for those who have light skin color and dark hairs. The laser beam is said to target the pigment (melanin) present in the hair. However, several advance technologies have been followed to remove the unwanted hairs from those carrying darker skin.

Duration & Longevity: The treatment of hair removal varies from person to person depending upon the density, thickness and color of the hair. Multiple sessions are required for best results. Usually, 4-6 sittings are expected within 6 weeks. Also, periodic maintenance treatment followed-up with a regular sitting once in every 12 month to avoid any issue. Laser hair removal surgeon in Delhi does not guarantee permanent removal of unwanted hairs. Most results showed up no growth after the treatment but some hairs resist growing with light color.

The laser hair removal might result in little discomfort followed with some redness and swelling but these symptoms disappear in few hours. The treatment is safe and asks for little precautions. Before undergoing laser hair removal procedure, you should stay out of the sun for around 6 weeks to avoid any side effect. Also, you should avoid other hair removal methods like plucking, waxing and electrolysis that may disturb hair follicle and pose interference with the treatment.

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