Jaw Implant

Jaw Implant In Delhi

Jaw Implant In Delhi

Many men and women face the issue of prominent jaws that leads to excess visibility of the teeth which in turn makes them look awkward. Most of them feel hesitated of their gummy smile that displays the excessive teeth especially when they asked to smile for photograph clicks. To bring back the balance in the smile with well-positioned jaws, a cosmetic procedure is applied named Jaw Implant. This will bring the resultant face profile with an appealing smile. The resultant face profile will add on the self-confidence in the patient thereby delivering psychological benefit to him/her.

Procedure:the cosmetic treatment of Jaw Implant in Delhi is performed through internal incisions made inside the mouth. The incisions help the surgeon in creating a pocket in the mouth that will hold the implant. After the placement of the implant, the incision is closed with the easily dissolvable sutures. With the help of the jaw implant surgery, the jawbone is repositioned in proportion to the correction needed. Surgeon may take the help of braces or micro plates to perform the reposition task. Other surgeries like rhinoplasty and lip reshaping can also be performed with this surgical treatment.

Duration & Longevity:the complete procedure of jaw augmentation takes around 1-2 hours. A maximum of 4 hours can also be experienced with some special cases. The result of the cosmetic procedure is permanent. However, the longevity depends upon the material of the implant used.

Post-surgical recovery:the treatment leads to minor bruising, swelling and numbness that fades away with the time. On recovery front, little discomfort can continue for few weeks after the surgery. Thus, suggestions are given for less smiling and talking. Normal return to work can be experienced after 1 week. Strenuous activities are avoided at least for 6-8 weeks.

Jaw Implant is the best surgical treatment that aids in rejuvenating the lost smile and confidence in a person.

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